(function() { // 奖品配置 var awards = [ {'index': 0, 'text': '耳机' , 'name': 'icono-headphone'}, {'index': 1, 'text': 'iPhone' , 'name': 'icono-iphone'}, {'index': 2, 'text': '相机' , 'name': 'icono-camera'}, {'index': 3, 'text': '咖啡杯' , 'name': 'icono-cup'}, {'index': 4, 'text': '日历', 'name': 'icono-calendar'}, {'index': 5, 'text': '键盘', 'name': 'icono-keyboard'} ], len = awards.length, turnNum = 1 / len; // 文字旋转 turn 值 var gbWheel = $('gbWheel'), lineList = gbWheel.querySelector('ul.gb-wheel-line'), itemList = gbWheel.querySelector('.gb-wheel-list'), lineListHtml = [], itemListHtml = []; var transform = preTransform(); awards.forEach(function(v, i, a) { // 分隔线 lineListHtml.push(''); // 奖项 itemListHtml.push('
'); itemListHtml.push(''); itemListHtml.push('
'); itemListHtml.push(''); itemListHtml.push(v.text); itemListHtml.push('
'); itemListHtml.push('CSS
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