189 8069 5689




 CClientDC dc(this);

 CPen pen(PS_SOLID,3,RGB(0,255,255));

 CPen* pOldPen;

 pOldPen=dc.SelectObject (&pen);

 dc.SelectObject (&pOldPen);

 CFont font;

 CFont* pOLdFont = NULL;


 pOLdFont = dc.SelectObject(&font);


 dc.TextOut(1074 - 100, 800 - 293, _T("A"));




 pOLdFont = dc.SelectObject(&font);


 dc.TextOut(1074 - 90, 800 - 280, _T("A"));





 void RenderTestByGsv()


  agg::rendering_buffer &rbuf = rbuf_window();

  agg::pixfmt_bgr24 pixf(rbuf);

  typedef agg::renderer_base renderer_base_type;

  renderer_base_type renb(pixf);

  typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid renderder_scanline_type;

  renderder_scanline_type rensl(renb);

  agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<> ras;

  agg::scanline_u8 sl;


  agg::gsv_text text;


  text.size(10, 8);



  agg::trans_affine mtx;


  agg::gsv_text_outline text_p(text, mtx);


  rensl.color(agg::rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

  ras.add_path(text_p, 0);




This is going to come off as a smart-ass reply, and I don't intend it to be.

If agg doesn't work well with small fonts, why not just use GDI in those

cases?  Its easy to have a single buffer that can be operated on by both agg

and gdi.

if (font_height < 10)








Since I am bothering everybody today, I am wondering about rendering small

true type fonts.

When the font height gets below 10 or so, Windows draws the font with

vectors.  This keeps the characters readable as the font gets smaller.

With AGG I'm using outlines, and that tends to "smoosh" the characters


I've set the contour width to 0.01, and even 0.0, but when the fonts get

small, the characters Become unreadable.  More so, when displaying Kanji.

What I'd like to do is to figure out a way to force the glyphs to be drawn

as vector's (like GDI).

I want to keep using glyph_ren_outline, as I can rotate and scale the

results nicely.

Any Ideas?

Here is a simple version of code that I use (I removed extra stuff):


//  feng is create before as font_engine_win32_tt_int32 // typedef

agg::conv_contour >

contour_type; typedef agg::conv_curve


typedef agg::font_cache_manager


font_manager_type     fman(feng);

curve_type         curves(fman.path_adaptor());

contour_type             contour(curves);


// Draw Text Routine


agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<>    ras;

agg::scanline_u8           sl;

agg::glyph_rendering         gren = agg::glyph_ren_outline;

agg::path_storage          path;

agg::conv_stroke conv(path);

agg::trans_affine mtx;

mtx *= agg::trans_affine_translation(-x, -y); mtx *=

agg::trans_affine_rotation(-1.0 * rotation ); mtx *=

agg::trans_affine_translation(x, y);

feng.char_set( SHIFTJIS_CHARSET );

if(m_feng.create_font( "MS GOTHIC", gren ))


  feng.weight( 100 ); // FW_LIGHT == 300

  contour.width( 0.01 );

  font_trans_type ftrans( contour, mtx );

  const char        *pp = pString;

  const agg::glyph_cache  *glyph;



    if(isJIS(pp))  // Check for Multibtye Japanese String


      WCHAR  ws[2];

     MultiByteToWideChar( 932, 0, pp, 2, ws, sizeof(ws));

      glyph = pT->m_fman.glyph(ws[0]);

      ++pp; // Multi byte




      glyph = pT->m_fman.glyph(*pp);







      fman.add_kerning(&x, &y);

      agg::render_scanlines(ras, sl, ren_aa);

      x += glyph->advance_x;

      y += glyph->advance_y;





