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2020年16th Intl. Conf on Information Security Practice and Experience将于2020年11月20-22日在中国南京召开。欢迎广大研究人员、工程师、教育工作者和相关机构组织人员参加!



【会议地点】中国 南京


1. Access control

2. Applied cryptography

3. Big data security and privacy

4. Biometric Security

5. Cloud security

6. Cryptocurrency

7. Cyber security for urban transportation

8. Cyber-physical security

9. Data security in cloud computing

10. Database security

11. Digital forensics

12. Embedded systems security

13. Formal methods for security

14. Intrusion detection

15. Key management

16. Lightweight security

17. Web security

18. Malware detection

19. Mobile security

20. Network security and privacy

21. Operating system security

22. Privacy enhanced technology

23. Secure data sharing in cloud

24. Security and privacy in edge computing

25. Security and privacy in IoT

26. Security and privacy in ubiquitous computing

27. Security for critical infrastructures

28. Security issues in blockchain

29. Smart grid security

30. Software security

31. Viruses and malware

32. Trust management system for mobile computing


网址: http://ispec2020.nuist.edu.cn


1.      applied cryptography              

2.      cloud security                

3.      software security             

4.      cryptocurrency


