Oracle GoldenGate学习之--GoldenGate的监控
(1)进入GoldenGate安装目录,运行GGSCI,然后使用info all查看整体的运行状况
GGSCI (aix212) 1> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT RUNNING EORA_1 00:00:00 00:00:03 EXTRACT RUNNING PORA_1 00:00:00 00:00:00 GGSCI (aix211) 1> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING REPLICAT RUNNING RORA_1 00:00:00 00:00:09
STARTING 表示正在启动过程中。
RUNNING 表示进程正常运行。
STOPPED 表示进程被正常关闭。
ABENDED 表示进程非正常关闭,需要进一步调查原因。
(2)使用view params <进程名> 可以查看进程的参数设置,该命令支持通配符*
源端: GGSCI (aix212) 4> view param mgr dynamicportlist 7800-8000 autorestart extract *,waitminutes 2,resetminutes 5 GGSCI (aix212) 7> view param eini_1 EXTRACT EINI_1 SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) USERID ogg,PASSWORD ogg RMTHOST,MGRPORT 7809 RMTTASK REPLICAT, GROUP RINI_1 TABLE scott.EMP_OGG; GGSCI (aix212) 5> view param eora_1 EXTRACT EORA_1 SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) USERID ogg,PASSWORD ogg EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/aa TABLE scott.emp_ogg; GGSCI (aix212) 6> view param pora_1 EXTRACT PORA_1 SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) PASSTHRU RMTHOST,MGRPORT 7809 RMTTRAIL ./dirdat/pa TABLE scott.emp_ogg; 目标端: GGSCI (aix211) 4> view param mgr port 7809 dynamicportlist 7800-8000 autorestart extract *,waitminutes 2,resetminutes 5 GGSCI (aix211) 3> view param rini_1 REPLICAT RINI_1 SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) ASSUMETARGETDEFS USERID ogg,PASSWORD ogg DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RINIaa.dsc,PURGE MAP scott.emp_ogg, TARGET scott.emp_ogg; GGSCI (aix211) 2> view param rora_1 REPLICAT RORA_1 SETENV (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK) USERID ogg,PASSWORD ogg HANDLECOLLISIONS ASSUMETARGETDEFS DISCARDFILE ./dirrpt/RORA_aa.DSC,PURGE MAP scott.oem_ogg, TARGET scott.emp_ogg;
(3)使用info <进程名称> 命令可以查看进程信息,可以查看到的信息包括进程状态、checkpoint信息、延时等
GGSCI (aix212) 8> info eora_1 EXTRACT EORA_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:09 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:04 ago) Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2014-09-25 17:00:16 Seqno 5, RBA 21645824 SCN 0.658565 (658565) GGSCI (aix212) 9> info pora_1 EXTRACT PORA_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:09 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:05 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File ./dirdat/pa000000 First Record RBA 0 GGSCI (aix211) 5> info rora_1 REPLICAT RORA_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:25 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:04 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File ./dirdat/pa000000 First Record RBA 0
(4)还可以使用info <进程名称> detail 命令查看更详细的信息,包括所使用的trail文件、参数文件、报告文件、警告日志的位置等
GGSCI (aix212) 10> info eora_1 detail EXTRACT EORA_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:09 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:02 ago) Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2014-09-25 17:01:58 Seqno 5, RBA 21770240 SCN 0.658666 (658666) Target Extract Trails: Remote Trail Name Seqno RBA Max MB ./dirdat/aa 2 2354 5 Extract Source Begin End /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01.log 2014-09-25 16:07 2014-09-25 17:01 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01.log 2014-09-23 20:34 2014-09-25 16:08 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo03.log 2014-09-23 15:17 2014-09-23 20:35 Not Available * Initialized * 2014-09-23 15:17 Current directory /ogg Report file /ogg/dirrpt/EORA_1.rpt Parameter file /ogg/dirprm/eora_1.prm Checkpoint file /ogg/dirchk/EORA_1.cpe Process file /ogg/dirpcs/EORA_1.pce Stdout file /ogg/dirout/EORA_1.out Error log /ogg/ggserr.log GGSCI (aix211) 6> info rora_1 detail REPLICAT RORA_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:25 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:04 ago) Log Read Checkpoint File ./dirdat/pa000000 First Record RBA 0 Extract Source Begin End ./dirdat/pa000000 * Initialized * First Record ./dirdat/pa000000 * Initialized * First Record Current directory /ogg Report file /ogg/dirrpt/RORA_1.rpt Parameter file /ogg/dirprm/rora_1.prm Checkpoint file /ogg/dirchk/RORA_1.cpr Checkpoint table ogg.checkpoint Process file /ogg/dirpcs/RORA_1.pcr Stdout file /ogg/dirout/RORA_1.out Error log /ogg/ggserr.log
(5)使用info <进程名称> showch 命令可以查看到详细的关于checkpoint的信息,用于查看GoldenGate进程处理过的事务记录
GGSCI (aix212) 11> info eora_1 showch EXTRACT EORA_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:09 Status RUNNING Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 00:00:03 ago) Log Read Checkpoint Oracle Redo Logs 2014-09-25 17:04:50 Seqno 5, RBA 21797888 SCN 0.658739 (658739) Current Checkpoint Detail: Read Checkpoint #1 Oracle Redo Log Startup Checkpoint (starting position in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 5 RBA: 19244560 Timestamp: 2014-09-25 16:07:15.000000 SCN: 0.656759 (656759) Redo File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01.log Recovery Checkpoint (position of oldest unprocessed transaction in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 5 RBA: 21795856 Timestamp: 2014-09-25 17:04:43.000000 SCN: 0.658736 (658736) Redo File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01.log Current Checkpoint (position of last record read in the data source): Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 5 RBA: 21797888 Timestamp: 2014-09-25 17:04:50.000000 SCN: 0.658739 (658739) Redo File: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01.log BR Previous Recovery Checkpoint: Thread #: 0 Sequence #: 0 RBA: 0 Timestamp: 2014-09-23 15:22:40.485502 SCN: Not available Redo File: BR Begin Recovery Checkpoint: Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 4 RBA: 10054144 Timestamp: 2014-09-23 19:22:47.000000 SCN: 0.629912 (629912) Redo File: BR End Recovery Checkpoint: Thread #: 1 Sequence #: 4 RBA: 10054144 Timestamp: 2014-09-23 19:22:47.000000 SCN: 0.629912 (629912) Redo File: Write Checkpoint #1 GGS Log Trail Current Checkpoint (current write position): Sequence #: 2 RBA: 2354 Timestamp: 2014-09-25 17:04:54.617925 Extract Trail: ./dirdat/aa CSN state information: CRC: B9-8B-16-BD Latest CSN: 658581 Latest TXN: 3.47.317 Latest CSN of finished TXNs: 658581 Completed TXNs: 3.47.317 Header: Version = 2 Record Source = A Type = 10 # Input Checkpoints = 1 # Output Checkpoints = 1 File Information: Block Size = 2048 Max Blocks = 100 Record Length = 2048 Current Offset = 0 Configuration: Data Source = 3 Transaction Integrity = 1 Task Type = 0 Status: Start Time = 2014-09-25 16:09:02 Last Update Time = 2014-09-25 17:04:54 Stop Status = A Last Result = 400
其中比较重要的是Extract进程的recovery checkpoint,它表示源数据中最早的未被处理的事务;通过recovery checkpoint可以查看到该事务的redo log位于哪个日志文件以及该日志文件的序列号。
(6)lag <进程名称> 可以查看详细的延时信息
GGSCI (aix212) 12> lag eora_1 Sending GETLAG request to EXTRACT EORA_1 ... Last record lag: 2 seconds. At EOF, no more records to process.
stats <进程名称>,<时间频度>,table 列出自进程启动以来处理的所有记录数,如图11-8所示。 列出当天以来处理的有关scott.emp_ogg表的所有记录数。 (8)view report <进程名称> 可以查看运行报告 (9)也可以进入到 最新的报告总是以<进程名称>.rpt命名的。加后缀数字的报告是历史报告,数字越大对应的时间越久 [oracle@aix212@ dirrpt]$cat EORA_1.rpt 如果进程运行时有错误,则报告文件中会包括错误代码和详细的错误诊断信息。通过查找错误代码,可以帮助定位错误原因,解决问题。 2、ggserr.log日志监控 (1)可以用以下方法查看日志文件。 可以通过操作系统命令直接查看ggserr.log文件。 使用GoldenGate Director。 在GGSCI中运行命令view ggsevt。 (2)在日志文件中可以查看到的内容如下。 GGSCI命令的历史记录。 GoldenGate进程的启动与停止。 已执行的处理。 发生的错误。 信息和警告消息。 (3)日志文件的部分内容 案例分析1: 目标端replicat进程启动异常 查看日志: 日志1: 无法找到checkpint table ! 重新启动replicat进程: 启动失败,查看日志! 日志2: checkpointtable 错误 ! 处理方法: 查看ogg日志: GGSCI (aix211) 12> view ggsevt 案例分析2: 源端初始化进程(eini_1)和目标端初始化进程(rini_1) 目标端初始化进程rini_1: 源端初始化进程eini_1: 启动源端初始化进程: 进程启动后,目标端初始化进程自动启动!GGSCI (aix212) 13> stats eora_1, total
Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EORA_1 ...
Start of Statistics at 2014-09-25 17:08:54.
Output to ./dirdat/aa:
Extracting from SCOTT.EMP_OGG to SCOTT.EMP_OGG:
*** Total statistics since 2014-09-25 16:11:23 ***
Total inserts 3.00
Total updates 0.00
Total deletes 6.00
Total discards 0.00
Total operations 9.00
End of Statistics.
GGSCI (aix212) 15> stats eora_1,daily, table scott.emp_ogg
Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EORA_1 ...
Start of Statistics at 2014-09-25 17:11:16.
Output to ./dirdat/aa:
Extracting from SCOTT.EMP_OGG to SCOTT.EMP_OGG:
*** Daily statistics since 2014-09-25 16:11:23 ***
Total inserts 3.00
Total updates 0.00
Total deletes 6.00
Total discards 0.00
Total operations 9.00
End of Statistics.
GGSCI (aix212) 16> view report eora_1
Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_11.
AIX 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 07:57:02
Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Starting at 2014-09-25 16:09:01
Operating System Version:
Version 5, Release 3
Node: aix212
Machine: 0009746A4C00
soft limit hard limit
Address Space Size : unlimited unlimited
Heap Size : unlimited unlimited
File Size : unlimited unlimited
CPU Time : unlimited unlimited
Process id: 229538
** Running with the following parameters **
2014-09-25 16:09:01 INFO OGG-03035 Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.
Set environment variable (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)
EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/aa
TABLE scott.emp_ogg;
2014-09-25 16:09:01 INFO OGG-01815 Virtual Memory Facilities for: BR
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
Bounded Recovery Parameter:
BRDIR = /ogg
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01815 Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
CACHEMGR virtual memory values (may have been adjusted)
CACHESIZEMAX (strict force to disk): 96G
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01639 BOUNDED RECOVERY: ACTIVE: for object pool 1: p536622_extr.
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01640 BOUNDED RECOVERY: recovery start XID: 0.0.0.
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01641 BOUNDED RECOVERY: recovery start position: SeqNo: 4, RBA: 10053648, SCN: 0.629912 (629912), Timestamp: 201
4-09-23 19:22:47.000000, Thread: 1.
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01642 BOUNDED RECOVERY: recovery end position: SeqNo: 4, RBA: 10054144, SCN: 0.629912 (629912), Timestamp: 2014-
09-23 19:22:47.000000, Thread: 1.
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01643 BOUNDED RECOVERY: CANCELED: for object pool 1: p536622_extr.
2014-09-25 16:09:02 INFO OGG-01579 BOUNDED RECOVERY: VALID BCP: CP.EORA_1.000000001.
[oracle@aix212@ ogg]$cd dirrpt
[oracle@aix212@ dirrpt]$ls -lt
total 248
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 4962 Sep 25 17:11 EORA_1.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 25 16:32 EINI_1.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 2252 Sep 25 16:32 MGR.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 25 16:27 EINI_10.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 25 16:09 EINI_11.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 2377 Sep 25 16:09 PORA_1.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 25 16:08 EINI_12.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 1897 Sep 25 16:08 MGR0.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 20631 Sep 25 16:08 EORA_10.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 11416 Sep 25 16:07 PORA_10.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 25 15:35 EINI_13.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3899 Sep 23 19:22 EORA_11.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 23 16:27 EINI_14.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3078 Sep 23 16:27 MGR1.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 23 16:24 EINI_15.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3124 Sep 23 16:23 EINI_16.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3031 Sep 23 16:20 EINI_17.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3031 Sep 23 16:18 EINI_18.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 3031 Sep 23 16:13 EINI_19.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 1897 Sep 23 15:49 MGR2.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 2377 Sep 23 15:25 PORA_11.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 1372 Sep 23 15:15 MGR3.rpt
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 1547 Sep 23 15:09 MGR4.rpt
Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle
Version OGGCORE_11.
AIX 5L, ppc, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 10.2 on Apr 23 2012 07:57:02
Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Starting at 2014-09-25 16:09:01
Operating System Version:
Version 5, Release 3
Node: aix212
Machine: 0009746A4C00
soft limit hard limit
Address Space Size : unlimited unlimited
Heap Size : unlimited unlimited
File Size : unlimited unlimited
CPU Time : unlimited unlimited
Process id: 229538
** Running with the following parameters **
2014-09-25 16:09:01 INFO OGG-03035 Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.
Set environment variable (NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK)
EXTTRAIL ./dirdat/aa
TABLE scott.emp_ogg;
2014-09-25 16:09:01 INFO OGG-01815 Virtual Memory Facilities for: BR
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
GGSCI (aix212) 1> view ggsevt
2014-09-23 15:02:08 INFO OGG-00987 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): edit param mg.
2014-09-23 15:02:16 INFO OGG-00987 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): edit param mgr.
2014-09-23 15:04:37 INFO OGG-00987 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): edit param mgr.
2014-09-23 15:04:57 INFO OGG-00987 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): start mgr.
2014-09-23 15:04:58 INFO OGG-00983 Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm: Manager started (port 7809).
2014-09-23 15:06:09 INFO OGG-00987 Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle: GGSCI command (oracle): add extract eini_1 sourceistable
GGSCI (aix211) 16> info all
Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
REPLICAT ABENDED RORA_1 00:00:00 43:38:02
2014-09-25 16:03:42 INFO OGG-01815 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
2014-09-25 16:03:42 ERROR OGG-00446 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: Checkpoint table ogg.checkpoint does not exist. Pleas
e create the table or recreate the RORA_1 group using the correct table.
2014-09-25 16:03:42 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: PROCESS ABENDING.
GGSCI (aix211) 2> delete checkpointtable
GGSCI (aix211) 3> edit param ./GLOBALS
CHECKPOINTTABLE ogg.checkpoint
GGSCI (aix211) 3>exit
必须退出ggsci,checkpoint table 才会生效
[oracle@rh7 ogg]$ ./ggsci
GGSCI (aix211) 1> dblogin userid ogg,password ogg
Successfully logged into database.
GGSCI (aix211) 2> add checkpointtable
No checkpoint table specified, using GLOBALS specification (ogg.checkpoint)...
Successfully created checkpoint table ogg.checkpoint.
GGSCI (aix211) 16> info all
Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
REPLICAT ABENDED RORA_1 00:00:00 43:38:02
[oracle@aix211 ogg]$tail ggserr.log
2014-09-25 16:11:47 INFO OGG-00975 Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm: REPLICAT RORA_1 starting.
2014-09-25 16:11:48 INFO OGG-00995 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: REPLICAT RORA_1 starting.
2014-09-25 16:11:48 INFO OGG-03035 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: Operating system character set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.
2014-09-25 16:11:48 INFO OGG-01815 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: Virtual Memory Facilities for: COM
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
2014-09-25 16:11:48 ERROR OGG-00446 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: No data selecting position from checkpoint table ogg.checkpoint for group 'RORA_1', key 1056363220 (0x3ef6d2d4), SQL
GGSCI (aix211) 7> delete replicat rora_1
GGSCI (aix211) 8> add replicat rora_1,exttrail ./dirdat/pa,checkpointtable ogg.checkpoint
GGSCI (aix211) 9> edit param rora_1
"/ogg/dirprm/rora_1.prm" 7 lines, 198 characters
MAP scott.oem_ogg, TARGET scott.emp_ogg;
GGSCI (aix211) 10> start replicat rora_1
Sending START request to MANAGER ...
REPLICAT RORA_1 starting
GGSCI (aix211) 11> info all
Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt
REPLICAT RUNNING RORA_1 00:00:00 00:00:03
2014-09-25 16:25:13 INFO OGG-00975 Oracle GoldenGate Manager for Oracle, mgr.prm: REPLICAT RORA_1 starting.
2014-09-25 16:25:13 INFO OGG-00995 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: REPLICAT RORA_1 starting.
2014-09-25 16:25:13 INFO OGG-03035 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: Operating system characte
r set identified as ISO-8859-1. Locale: en_US_POSIX, LC_ALL:.
2014-09-25 16:25:13 INFO OGG-01815 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: Virtual Memory Facilities
for: COM
anon alloc: mmap(MAP_ANON) anon free: munmap
file alloc: mmap(MAP_SHARED) file free: munmap
target directories:
2014-09-25 16:25:13 INFO OGG-00996 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle, rora_1.prm: REPLICAT RORA_1 started.
GGSCI (aix211) 13> info rini_1
REPLICAT RINI_1 Initialized 2014-09-23 15:40 Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 48:46:37 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint Not Available
GGSCI (aix212) 21> info eini_1
EXTRACT EINI_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:09 Status STOPPED
Checkpoint Lag Not Available
Log Read Checkpoint Table SCOTT.EMP_OGG
2014-09-25 16:09:35 Record 14
GGSCI (aix212) 22> start eini_1
Sending START request to MANAGER ...
EXTRACT EINI_1 starting
GGSCI (aix212) 23> info eini_1
EXTRACT EINI_1 Last Started 2014-09-25 16:09 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag Not Available
Log Read Checkpoint Table SCOTT.EMP_OGG
2014-09-25 16:09:35 Record 14
GGSCI (aix211) 14> info rini_1
REPLICAT RINI_1 Initialized 2014-09-23 15:40 Status RUNNING
Checkpoint Lag 00:00:00 (updated 48:47:03 ago)
Log Read Checkpoint Not Available