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R12: System Allows To Match Invoices To A Closed PO APP-SQLAP-10074 and APP-SQLAP-10080 Warning Messages (文档 ID 1331770.1) Invoice Match转到底部 Invoice Match

Invoice Match

In this Document

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Oracle Payables - Version 12.0.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


  • Error trying to match PO that has already been fully matched
  • APP-SQLAP-10074: This purchase order line is closed. You may want to review the purchase order before continuing with this match.
  • User is allowed to click OK
  • After entering the match qty/amount clicking Match results in another error
  • APP-SQLAP-10080: This match will result in an overbill
  • User can complete the match 
  • System allows matching Invoices to a Closed PO


Intended and expected behavior


This is the intended functionality of the application intended to stop the user or warn the user that the purchase order/receipt has already been fully matched to another invoice. 
This is a warning. users can still proceed by pressing ok button to match the invoice.
System will allow overmatching but applies a hold according to the tolerance defined. (Setup > Invoice > Tolerances)

To prevent this PO from being available for matching, and remove it from the LOV, the status needs to be changed to Finally Closed.  

System allows a Closed PO to be matched to an Invoice.
System does NOT allow a Finally Closed PO to be matched to an Invoice.

If users are able to match to a Finally Closed PO then please see REFERENCES NOTE:1158087.1 - R12: System Allows To Match Invoices To A Finally Closed PO
NOTE:1447955.1 - R12: Why Is Final Match Hold Applied On An Invoice and How Can It Be Released?

