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#!/usr/bin/python3 usr_ip = input("Enter an integer number: ")
# 需要将输入的字符串显式地指定为需要的类型
usr_num = int(usr_ip) sqr_num = usr_num * usr_num print("Square of entered number is: {}".format(sqr_num))
Python docs - 整数文本
$ ./user_input_int.py Enter an integer number: 23 Square of entered number is: 529 $ ./user_input_int.py Enter an integer number: abc Traceback (most recent call last): File "./user_input_int.py", line 6, inusr_num = int(usr_ip) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'abc'
#!/usr/bin/python3 usr_ip = input("Enter a floating point number: ") # 需要将输入的字符串显式地指定为我们需要的类型 usr_num = float(usr_ip) sqr_num = usr_num * usr_num # 限制小数点位数 print("Square of entered number is: {0:.2f}".format(sqr_num))
E 科学计数法在需要时可以使用
Python文档 - 浮点数文本
Python文档 - 浮点数
$ ./user_input_float.py Enter a floating point number: 3.232 Square of entered number is: 10.45 $ ./user_input_float.py Enter a floating point number: 42.7e5 Square of entered number is: 18232900000000.00 $ ./user_input_float.py Enter a floating point number: abc Traceback (most recent call last): File "./user_input_float.py", line 6, inusr_num = float(usr_ip) ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'abc'
#!/usr/bin/python3 usr_name = input("Hi there! What's your name? ") usr_color = input("And your favorite color is? ") print("{}, I like the {} color too".format(usr_name, usr_color))
$ ./user_input_str.py Hi there! What's your name? learnbyexample And your favorite color is? blue learnbyexample, I like the blue color too