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Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide -〉

4 Administering Oracle ASM Disk Groups -〉
Using the CREATE DISKGROUP SQL Statement -〉 Specify the redundancy level of the disk group.

After a disk group is created, you cannot alter the redundancy level of the disk group. To change the redundancy level, you must create another disk group with the appropriate redundancy and then move the files to the new disk group.






  1. [root@oracle4 ~]# su - oracle

  2. [oracle@oracle4 ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=+ASM

  3. [oracle@oracle4 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

  4. SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 19 01:17:26 2015

  5. Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

  6. Connected to:

  7. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

  8. With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

  9. SQL> select state,name,type from v$asm_diskgroup;


  11. ----------- ------------------------------ ------




  15. ----这里,我们创建了一个新的ASM磁盘组,名为NEWDG,外部冗余。



  1. ----1.将参数文件中,控制文件的参数由+DATA磁盘上的一个路径改为两个路径,

  2. SQL> alter system set control_files='+DATA/asmdb/controlfile/current.260.886430449','+newdg' scope=spfile;

  3. ----2. 改为两个路径以后,由于第二个文件并不存在,会报错。

  4. ----这时重启数据库至nomount模式,使用rman从第一个控制文件恢复第二个控制文件

  5. SQL> startup force nomount;

  6. ORACLE instance started.

  7. Total System Global Area 608174080 bytes

  8. Fixed Size 1220844 bytes

  9. Variable Size 180358932 bytes

  10. Database Buffers 423624704 bytes

  11. Redo Buffers 2969600 bytes

  12. [oracle@oracle4 dbs]$ rman target /

  13. Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Aug 19 01:47:18 2015

  14. Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

  15. connected to target database: asmdb (not mounted)

  16. RMAN> restore controlfile from '+DATA/asmdb/controlfile/current.260.886430449';

  17. Starting restore at 19-AUG-15

  18. using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

  19. allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

  20. channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=156 devtype=DISK

  21. channel ORA_DISK_1: copied control file copy

  22. output filename=+DATA/asmdb/controlfile/current.260.886430449

  23. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.257.888112073

  24. Finished restore at 19-AUG-15

  25. ---红色标注的是生成的新的控制文件

  26. ---这时启动数据库至nomount模式

  27. ---你会发现参数被修改了:

  28. RMAN> alter database mount;

  29. database mounted

  30. released channel: ORA_DISK_1

  31. [oracle@oracle4 dbs]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

  32. SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 19 01:48:48 2015

  33. Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

  34. Connected to:

  35. Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production

  36. With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

  37. SQL> show parameter control


  39. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

  40. control_file_record_keep_time integer 7

  41. control_files string +DATA/asmdb/controlfile/curren

  42.  t.260.886430449, +NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.257.888112073

  43. 新控制文件参数变成了前面rman恢复的控制文件的位置,如下:

  44. +DATA/asmdb/controlfile/current.260.886430449            ---这是旧的

  45. +NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.257.888112073        ---这是新的,我们需要被迁移到的位置,我们发现控制文件已经被迁移到了新的位置,接下来需要删除旧的控制文件

  46. ----3.删除旧的控制文件,因此将其从控制文件参数中剔除:

  47. SQL> alter system set control_files='+NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.257.888112073' scope=spfile;

  48. System altered.

  49. SQL> startup force ; 

  50. ORACLE instance started.

  51. Total System Global Area 608174080 bytes

  52. Fixed Size 1220844 bytes

  53. Variable Size 180358932 bytes

  54. Database Buffers 423624704 bytes

  55. Redo Buffers 2969600 bytes

  56. Database mounted.

  57. Database opened.

  58. SQL> show parameter control


  60. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

  61. control_file_record_keep_time integer 7

  62. control_files string +NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.257.888112073



  1. ----1.拷贝数据文件

  2. [oracle@oracle4 dbs]$ rman target /

  3. Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Aug 19 01:51:13 2015

  4. Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

  5. connected to target database: ASMDB (DBID=630629232)

  6. RMAN> backup as copy database format '+newdg';

  7. Starting backup at 19-AUG-15

  8. using target database control file instead of recovery catalog

  9. allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

  10. channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=144 devtype=DISK

  11. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  12. input datafile fno=00001 name=+DATA/asmdb/datafile/system.256.886430341

  13. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/system.258.888112285 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=6 stamp=888112417

  14. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:02:17

  15. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  16. input datafile fno=00003 name=+DATA/asmdb/datafile/sysaux.257.886430341

  17. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/sysaux.259.888112421 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=7 stamp=888112494

  18. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:01:16

  19. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  20. input datafile fno=00005 name=+DATA/asmdb/datafile/example.265.886430497

  21. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/example.260.888112497 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=8 stamp=888112539

  22. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:47

  23. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  24. input datafile fno=00002 name=+DATA/asmdb/datafile/undotbs1.258.886430341

  25. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/undotbs1.261.888112547 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=9 stamp=888112564

  26. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:26

  27. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  28. input datafile fno=00004 name=+DATA/asmdb/datafile/users.259.886430341

  29. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/users.262.888112571 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=10 stamp=888112572

  30. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:03

  31. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  32. input datafile fno=00006 name=+DATA/asmdb/datafile/tbs1.267.886604335

  33. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/tbs1.263.888112573 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=11 stamp=888112580

  34. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15

  35. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile copy

  36. copying current control file

  37. output filename=+NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.264.888112589 tag=TAG20150819T015122 recid=12 stamp=888112601

  38. channel ORA_DISK_1: datafile copy complete, elapsed time: 00:00:15

  39. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backupset

  40. channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backupset

  41. including current SPFILE in backupset

  42. channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 19-AUG-15

  43. channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 19-AUG-15

  44. piece handle=+NEWDG/asmdb/backupset/2015_08_19/nnsnf0_tag20150819t015122_0.265.888112607 tag=TAG20150819T015122 comment=NONE

  45. channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02

  46. Finished backup at 19-AUG-15

  47. RMAN> list copy of database;

  48. Key File S Completion Time Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name

  49. ------- ---- - --------------- ---------- --------------- ----

  50. 6 1 A 19-AUG-15 559320 19-AUG-15 +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/system.258.888112285

  51. 9 2 A 19-AUG-15 559375 19-AUG-15 +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/undotbs1.261.888112547

  52. 7 3 A 19-AUG-15 559349 19-AUG-15 +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/sysaux.259.888112421

  53. 10 4 A 19-AUG-15 559383 19-AUG-15 +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/users.262.888112571

  54. 8 5 A 19-AUG-15 559366 19-AUG-15 +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/example.260.888112497

  55. 11 6 A 19-AUG-15 559385 19-AUG-15 +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/tbs1.263.888112573

  56. 3 6 A 01-AUG-15 514730 01-AUG-15 /home/oracle/tbs1.bak

  57. ----拷贝完成

  58. ----2.数据文件拷贝已经完成,我们是在数据库开着的情况下拷贝的,现在需要将数据库切换到新的文件,切换文件实际是告诉控制文件,数据文件被移到了新的位置。因此这个步骤只是改变控制文件的内容,会很快,但是需要将数据库置为mount状态

  59. RMAN> switch database to copy;

  60. RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

  61. RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

  62. RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

  63. RMAN-03002: failure of switch to copy command at 08/19/2015 02:00:35

  64. RMAN-06572: database is open and datafile 1 is not offline

  65. ----注意,需要启动数据库到mount状态执行switch

  66. RMAN> shutdown immediate;

  67. database closed

  68. database dismounted

  69. Oracle instance shut down

  70. RMAN> startup mount

  71. connected to target database (not started)

  72. Oracle instance started

  73. database mounted

  74. Total System Global Area 608174080 bytes

  75. Fixed Size 1220844 bytes

  76. Variable Size 180358932 bytes

  77. Database Buffers 423624704 bytes

  78. Redo Buffers 2969600 bytes

  79. RMAN> switch database to copy;

  80. datafile 1 switched to datafile copy "+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/system.258.888112285"

  81. datafile 2 switched to datafile copy "+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/undotbs1.261.888112547"

  82. datafile 3 switched to datafile copy "+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/sysaux.259.888112421"

  83. datafile 4 switched to datafile copy "+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/users.262.888112571"

  84. datafile 5 switched to datafile copy "+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/example.260.888112497"

  85. datafile 6 switched to datafile copy "+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/tbs1.263.888112573"

  86. ----switch成功,数据库使用新的数据文件

  87. RMAN> alter database open;

  88. RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

  89. RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============

  90. RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

  91. RMAN-03002: failure of alter db command at 08/19/2015 02:01:54

  92. ORA-01113: file 1 needs media recovery

  93. ORA-01110: data file 1: '+NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/system.258.888112285'

  94. RMAN> recover database;

  95. Starting recover at 19-AUG-15

  96. allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1

  97. channel ORA_DISK_1: sid=157 devtype=DISK

  98. starting media recovery

  99. media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02

  100. Finished recover at 19-AUG-15

  101. RMAN> alter database open;

  102. database opened


  1. 查看数据文件是否正常,并且修改参数使以后新的文件放在+newdg上

  1. SQL> select name from v$datafile;

  2. NAME

  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  4. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/system.258.888112285

  5. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/undotbs1.261.888112547

  6. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/sysaux.259.888112421

  7. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/users.262.888112571

  8. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/example.260.888112497

  9. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/tbs1.263.888112573

  10. 6 rows selected.

  11. ----查看数据文件是否正常

  12. SQL> show parameter create


  14. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

  15. create_bitmap_area_size integer 8388608

  16. create_stored_outlines string

  17. db_create_file_dest string +DATA

  18. db_create_online_log_dest_1 string

  19. db_create_online_log_dest_2 string

  20. db_create_online_log_dest_3 string

  21. db_create_online_log_dest_4 string

  22. db_create_online_log_dest_5 string

  23. SQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest ='+newdg';

  24. ----以后新的文件都生成在新的磁盘组

  25. System altered.


  • ----添加临时文件

  • SQL> select name from v$tempfile;

  • NAME

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • +DATA/asmdb/tempfile/temp.264.886430485

  • SQL> create temporary tablespace temp01 tempfile size 20M; 

  • Tablespace created.

  • SQL> SQL> select name from v$tempfile;

  • NAME

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • +DATA/asmdb/tempfile/temp.264.886430485

  • +NEWDG/asmdb/tempfile/temp01.266.888113011

  • SQL> drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;

  • drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles

  • *

  • ERROR at line 1:

  • ORA-12906: cannot drop default temporary tablespace

  • SQL> alter database default temporary tablespace temp01;

  • ----旧的临时表空间是系统默认临时表空间,无法删除,修改后删除旧的

  • Database altered.

  • SQL> drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;

  • Tablespace dropped.

  3. 日志文件:在新磁盘添加新成员,删除旧成员

  1. ----查看日志组状况

  2. SQL> select * from v$log;


  4. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ----------------


  6. ------------- ---------

  7.          1 1 5 52428800 1 NO CURRENT

  8.        559083 19-AUG-15

  9.          2 1 3 52428800 1 YES INACTIVE

  10.        507040 01-AUG-15

  11.          3 1 4 52428800 1 YES INACTIVE

  12.        537744 19-AUG-15

  13. ----有三个组,给每个组添加新成员

  14. SQL> alter database add logfile member '+newdg' to group 1;

  15. Database altered.

  16. SQL> alter database add logfile member '+newdg' to group 2;

  17. Database altered.

  18. SQL> alter database add logfile member '+newdg' to group 3;

  19. Database altered.

  20. SQL> alter system switch logfile;

  21. System altered.

  22. SQL> /

  23. System altered.

  24. SQL> /

  25. System altered.

  26. SQL> /

  27. System altered.

  28. ----多次切换日志,至少一轮

  29. SQL> select member from v$logfile;

  30. MEMBER

  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  32. +DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_3.263.886430465

  33. +DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.886430459

  34. +DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.886430455

  35. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_1.267.888113109

  36. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.268.888113113

  37. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_3.269.888113115

  38. 6 rows selected.

  39. ----新成员添加成功

  1. SQL> alter database drop logfile member'+DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_3.263.886430465';

  2. Database altered.

  3. SQL> alter database drop logfile member'+DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.886430459';

  4.  alter database drop logfile member'+DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.886430459'

  5. *

  6. ERROR at line 1:

  7. ORA-01609: log 2 is the current log for thread 1 - cannot drop members

  8. ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1: '+DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.886430459'

  9. ORA-00312: online log 2 thread 1:

  10. '+NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.268.888113113'

  11. ----正在使用的不能删除,先删除非current,切换日志后再删除该成员

  12. SQL> alter database drop logfile member'+DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_1.261.886430455';

  13. Database altered.

  14. SQL> alter system switch logfile;

  15. System altered.

  16. SQL> alter database drop logfile member'+DATA/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.262.886430459';

  17. Database altered.

  18. SQL> select member from v$logfile;

  19. MEMBER

  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  21. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_1.267.888113109

  22. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.268.888113113

  23. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_3.269.888113115

  24. ----新成员添加成功,旧成员删除成功

  4. 参数文件:

  1. ----查看参数文件

  2. SQL> show parameter spfile


  4. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

  5. spfile string +DATA/asmdb/spfileasmdb.ora

  6. SQL> create pfile from spfile;

  7. 创建pfile

  8. File created.

  9. SQL> shutdown immediate;

  10. Database closed.

  11. Database dismounted.

  12. ORACLE instance shut down.

  13. SQL> create spfile='+newdg/asmdb/spfileasmdb.ora' from pfile;

  14. ----利用pfile生成新的spfile

  15. File created.

  16. SQL> !

  17. [oracle@oracle4 dbs]$ vi initasmdb.ora 

  18. spfile='+newdg/asmdb/spfileasmdb.ora'

  19. ----pfile指向新的spfile

  20. SQL> startup force

  21. ORACLE instance started.

  22. Total System Global Area 608174080 bytes

  23. Fixed Size 1220844 bytes

  24. Variable Size 180358932 bytes

  25. Database Buffers 423624704 bytes

  26. Redo Buffers 2969600 bytes

  27. Database mounted.

  28. Database opened.

  29. SQL> 

  30. ----新参数文件添加成功,旧参数文件删除成功


  1. ----检查

  2. show parameter spfile;

  3. select name from v$controlfile;

  4. select name from v$datafile;

  5. select name from v$tempfile;

  6. select member from v$logfile;

  7. select filename from v$block_change_tracking;

  8. select name from v$flashback_database_logfile;

  9. SQL> show parameter pfile


  11. ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

  12. spfile string +NEWDG/asmdb/spfileasmdb.ora

  13. SQL> select name from v$controlfile;

  14. NAME

  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  16. +NEWDG/asmdb/controlfile/backup.257.888112073

  17. SQL> select name from v$datafile;

  18. NAME

  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  20. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/system.258.888112285

  21. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/undotbs1.261.888112547

  22. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/sysaux.259.888112421

  23. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/users.262.888112571

  24. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/example.260.888112497

  25. +NEWDG/asmdb/datafile/tbs1.263.888112573

  26. 6 rows selected.

  27. SQL> select name from v$tempfile;

  28. NAME

  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  30. +NEWDG/asmdb/tempfile/temp01.266.888113011

  31. SQL> select member from v$logfile;

  32. MEMBER

  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  34. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_1.267.888113109

  35. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_2.268.888113113

  36. +NEWDG/asmdb/onlinelog/group_3.269.888113115

  37. SQL> select name from v$flashback_database_logfile;

  38. no rows selected

  39. SQL> select filename from v$block_change_tracking;


