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这期内容当中小编将会给大家带来有关ORACLE 锁机制是怎样的,文章内容丰富且以专业的角度为大家分析和叙述,阅读完这篇文章希望大家可以有所收获。

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锁这东西是纯概念性的东西,但是作用又非常大。 以前整理过两篇文章,今天又看了点书,觉得还不是很清楚。 就重新整理了下。 在想要不要把以前的文章删掉,这样在blog里是比较简介的,但后来又一想。 这些连接在其他的地方可能被引用了。 就决定还是保留着了,也算见证自己成长的一个过程。

1.1 锁的概念


在Oracle 数据库中,它并不是对某个表加上锁或者某几行加上锁,锁是以数据块的一个属性存在的。 也就是说,每个数据块本身就存储着自己数据块中数据的信息,这个地方叫ITL(Interested Transaction List),凡是在这个数据块上有活动的事务,它的信息就会记录在这里面供后续的操作查询,一保证事务的一致性。

1.2 锁的分类

1.2.1. 按用户与系统划分,可以分为自动锁与显示锁
a) 自动锁(Automatic Locks):当进行一项数据库操作时,缺省情况下,系统自动为此数据库操作获得所有有必要的锁。自动锁分DML锁,DDL锁,system locks。
b) 显示锁(Manual Data Locks):某些情况下,需要用户显示的锁定数据库操作要用到的数据,才能使数据库操作执行得更好,显示锁是用户为数据库对象设定的。

Oracle Database performs locking automatically to ensure data concurrency, data integrity, and statement-level read consistency. However, you can manually override the Oracle Database default locking mechanisms. Overriding the default locking is useful in situations such as the following:

Applications require transaction-level read consistency or repeatable reads.

In this case, queries must produce consistent data for the duration of the transaction, not reflecting changes by other transactions. You can achieve transaction-level read consistency by using explicit locking, read-only transactions, serializable transactions, or by overriding default locking.

Applications require that a transaction have exclusive access to a resource so that the transaction does not have to wait for other transactions to complete.

You can override Oracle Database automatic locking at the session or transaction level. At the session level, a session can set the required transaction isolation level with the ALTER SESSION statement. At the transaction level, transactions that include the followingSQL statements override Oracle Database default locking:
(2)The LOCK TABLE statement (which locks either a table or, when used with views, the base tables)
(3)The SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statement

Locks acquired by the preceding statements are released after the transaction ends or a rollback to savepoint releases them.

If Oracle Database default locking is overridden at any level, then the database administrator or application developer should ensure that the overriding locking procedures operate correctly. The locking procedures must satisfy the following criteria: data integrity is guaranteed, data concurrency is acceptable, and deadlocks are not possible or are appropriately handled.

1.2.2. 按锁级别划分,可分为: 排它锁(Exclusive Locks,即X锁)和共享锁(Share Locks,即S锁)
a) 共享锁( S ): 共享锁使一个事务对特定数据库资源进行共享访问——另一事务也可对此资源进行访问或获得相同共享锁。共享锁为事务提供高并发性,但如拙劣的事务设计+共享锁容易造成死锁或数据更新丢失。
b) 排它锁( X): 事务设置排它锁后,该事务单独获得此资源,另一事务不能在此事务提交之前获得相同对象的共享锁或排它锁。

1.2.3 按操作划分,可分为DML锁(data locks,数据锁)、DDL锁(data dictionary lock)和 System Locks。  DML锁
DML锁用于控制并发事务中的数据操纵,保证数据的一致性和完整性。DML 锁主要用于保护并发情况下的数据完整性。 它又分为:




当事务获得行锁后,此事务也将自动获得该行的表锁(共享锁),以防止其它事务进行DDL语句影响记录行的更新。事务也可以在进行过程中获得共享锁或排它锁,只有当事务显示使用LOCK TABLE语 句显示的定义一个排它锁时,事务才会获得表上的排它锁,也可使用LOCK TABLE显示的定义一个表级的共享锁(LOCK TABLE具体用法请参考相关文档)。
TM锁包括了SS、SX、S、X 等多种模式,在数据库中用0-6来表示。不同的SQL操作产生不同类型的TM锁。

 当事务执行数据库插入、更新、删除操作时,该事务自动获得操作 表中操作行的排它锁。

对用户的数据操纵,Oracle可以自动为操纵的数据进行加锁,但如果有操纵授权,则为满足并发操纵的需要另外实施加锁。DML锁可由一个用户进程以显式的方式加锁,也可通过某些SQL语句隐含方式实现。 这部分属于Manual Data Locks。

(3)、共享更新锁(SHARE UPDATE)




B、退出数据库(LOG OFF)。




(2)、退出数据库(LOG OFF)


(3)共享更新加锁方式(Share Update)

(2)、用如下的SELECT ...FOR UPDATE语句获得:
       SELECT <列名>[,<列名>]...FROM <表名> WHERE <条件> FOR UPDATE OF <列名>[,<列名>].....[NOWAIT]


(2)、退出数据库(LOG OFF)

执行ROLLBACK操作不能释放行锁。  DDL锁(dictionary locks)

(1) 排它DDL锁:
创建、修改、删除一个数据库对象的DDL语句获得操作对象的 排它锁。如使用alter table语句时,为了维护数据的完成性、一致性、合法性,该事务获得一排它DDL锁。
(2) 共享DDL锁:
(3) 分析锁:
ORACLE使用共享池存储分析与优化过的SQL语句及PL/SQL程序,使运行相同语句的应用速度更快。一个在共享池中缓存的对象获得它所引用数据库对象的分析锁。分析锁是一种独特的DDL锁类型,ORACLE使用它追踪共享池对象及它所引用数据库对象之间的依赖关系。当一个事务修改或删除了共享池持有分析锁的数据库对象时,ORACLE使共享池中的对象作废,下次在引用这条SQL/PLSQL语 句时,ORACLE重新分析编译此语句。

DDL级加锁也是由ORACLE RDBMS来控制,它用于保护数据字典和数据定义改变时的一致性和完整性。它是系统在对SQL定义语句作语法分析时自动地加锁,无需用户干予。

Automatic Locks in DDL Operations

A data dictionary (DDL) lock protects the definition of a schema object while an ongoing DDL operation acts on or refers to the object. Only individual schema objects that are modified or referenced are locked during DDL operations. The database never locks the whole data dictionary.

Oracle Database acquires a DDL lock automatically on behalf of any DDL transaction requiring it. Users cannot explicitly request DDL locks. For example, if a user creates a stored procedure, then Oracle Database automatically acquires DDL locks for all schema objects referenced in the procedure definition. The DDL locks prevent these objects from being altered or dropped before procedure compilation is complete.

Exclusive DDL Locks

An exclusive DDL lock prevents other sessions from obtaining a DDL or DML lock. Most DDL operations, except for those described in "Share DDL Locks", require exclusive DDL locks for a resource to prevent destructive interference with other DDL operations that might modify or reference the same schema object. For example, DROP TABLE is not allowed to drop a table while ALTER TABLE is adding a column to it, and vice versa.

Exclusive DDL locks last for the duration of DDL statement execution and automatic commit. During the acquisition of an exclusive DDL lock, if another DDL lock is already held on the schema object by another operation, then the acquisition waits until the older DDL lock is released and then proceeds.

Share DDL Locks

A share DDL lock for a resource prevents destructive interference with conflicting DDL operations, but allows data concurrency for similar DDL operations.

For example, when a CREATE PROCEDURE statement is run, the containing transaction acquires share DDL locks for all referenced tables. Other transactions can concurrently create procedures that reference the same tables and acquire concurrent share DDL locks on the same tables, but no transaction can acquire an exclusive DDL lock on any referenced table.

A share DDL lock lasts for the duration of DDL statement execution and automatic commit. Thus, a transaction holding a share DDL lock is guaranteed that the definition of the referenced schema object remains constant during the transaction.

Breakable Parse Locks

A parse lock is held by a SQL statement or PL/SQL program unit for each schema object that it references. Parse locks are acquired so that the associated shared SQL area can be invalidated if a referenced object is altered or dropped. A parse lock is called a breakable parse lock because it does not disallow any DDL operation and can be broken to allow conflicting DDL operations.

A parse lock is acquired in the shared pool during the parse phase of SQL statement execution. The lock is held as long as the shared SQL area for that statement remains in the shared pool.  System Locks
System Locks

Oracle Database uses various types of system locks to protect internal database and memory structures. These mechanisms are inaccessible to users because users have no control over their occurrence or duration.


Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser access to shared data structures, objects, and files. Latches protect shared memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes. Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations:
(1)Concurrent modification by multiple sessions
(2)Being read by one session while being modified by another session
(3)Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed

Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example, background processes such as DBWn and LGWR allocate memory from the shared poolto create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes use a shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying to inspect or modify the shared pool simultaneously. After the memory is allocated, other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library cache, which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache, not the entire shared pool.

Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue. When a latch becomes available, the first session to request the latch obtains exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU before renewing the latch request.

Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while manipulating or looking at a data structure. For example, while processing a salary update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release thousands of latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially in respect to whether and how long a process waits for a latch.

An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive hard parse operations create contention for the library cache latch. TheV$LATCH view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch, including the number of times each latch was requested and waited for.


A mutual exclusion object (mutex) is a low-level mechanism that prevents an object in memory from aging out or from being corrupted when accessed by concurrent processes. A mutex is similar to a latch, but whereas a latch typically protects a group of objects, a mutex protects a single object.

Mutexes provide several benefits:
(1)A mutex can reduce the possibility of contention.
Because a latch protects multiple objects, it can become a bottleneck when processes attempt to access any of these objects concurrently. By serializing access to an individual object rather than a group, a mutex increases availability.
(2)A mutex consumes less memory than a latch.
(3)When in shared mode, a mutex permits concurrent reference by multiple sessions.

Internal Locks

Internal locks are higher-level, more complex mechanisms than latches and mutexes and serve various purposes. The database uses the following types of internal locks:

(1)Dictionary cache locks

These locks are of very short duration and are held on entries in dictionary caches while the entries are being modified or used. They guarantee that statements being parsed do not see inconsistent object definitions. Dictionary cache locks can be shared or exclusive. Shared locks are released when the parse is complete, whereas exclusive locks are released when the DDL operation is complete.

(2)File and log management locks

These locks protect various files. For example, an internal lock protects the control file so that only one process at a time can change it. Another lock coordinates the use and archiving of the online redo log files. Data files are locked to ensure that multiple instances mount a database in shared mode or that one instance mounts it in exclusive mode. Because file and log locks indicate the status of files, these locks are necessarily held for a long time.

(3)Tablespace and undo segment locks

These locks protect tablespaces and undo segments. For example, all instances accessing a database must agree on whether a tablespace is online or offline. Undo segments are locked so that only one database instance can write to a segment.

二. Latch 和 等待
Latch 属于System Locks. 在前面的内容里里,已有相关的说明。 Latch 是Oracle 为保护内存结构而发明的一种资源。

在Oracle 复杂的内存结构中,比如SGA中,各种数据被反复从磁盘读取到内存,又被重新写回到磁盘上,如果有并发的用户做相同的事情,Oracle必须使用一种机制,来保证数据在读取的时候,只能由一个会话来完成,这种保护机制就是Latch。



可以把Latch 理解为一种轻量级的锁,它不会造成阻塞,只会导致等待。 阻塞是一种系统设计上的问题,等待是一种系统资源争用的问题。

如果发现系统中经常由于Lock 导致用户等待,这时需要考虑系统在逻辑设计上是否有问题,比如多用户对主键的删除或者修改,是否有用户使用select … for update这样的语法,外键是否创建索引的因素。 这些因素是需要结合系统的业务逻辑性来进行数据库对象设计的。


导致Latch争用而等待的原因非常多,内存中很多资源都可能存在争用。 最常见的两类latch争用如下:

Oracle 内存 架构 详解

2.1 共享池中的Latch争用

最常见的集中共享池里的Latch是 library cache。 可以通过一下SQL 来查询:select * from v$latchname where name like 'library cache%';

在分析系统性能时,如果看到有library cache 这样的Latch争用,就可以断定是共享池中出现了问题,这种问题基本是由SQL语句导致的,比如没有绑定变量或者一些存储过程被反复分析。

2.2 数据缓冲池Latch争用
访问频率非常高的数据块被称为热快(Hot Block),当很多用户一起去访问某几个数据块时,就会导致一些Latch争用,最常见的latch争用有:
(1)buffer busy waits
(2)cache buffer chain

Oracle 常见的33个等待事件

当一个会话需要去访问一个内存块时,它首先要去一个像链表一样的结构中去搜索这个数据块是否在内存中,当会话访问这个链表的时候需要获得一个Latch,如果获取失败,将会产生Latch cache buffer chain 等待,导致这个等待的原因是访问相同的数据块的会话太多或者这个列表太长(如果读到内存中的数据太多,需要管理数据块的hash列表就会很长,这样会话扫描列表的时间就会增加,持有chache buffer chain latch的时间就会变长,其他会话获得这个Latch的机会就会降低,等待就会增加)。

当一个会话需要访问一个数据块,而这个数据块正在被另一个用户从磁盘读取到内存中或者这个数据块正在被另一个会话修改时,当前的会话就需要等待,就会产生一个buffer busy waits等待。

产生这些Latch争用的直接原因是太多的会话去访问相同的数据块导致热快问题,造成热快的原因可能是数据库设置导致或者重复执行的SQL 频繁访问一些相同的数据块导致。


2.2.1 表数据块

可以通过一下命令将每个数据块存放记录的数量减少到最少: Alter table minimize records_per_block;

我们把数据分布到更多的数据块上,大大降低了一个数据块被重复读取的概率。 但是这种方法的缺点很明显,就是降低了数据的性能,在这种情况下,访问相同的数据意味着需要读取更多的数据块,性能会有所降低。

2.2.2 索引数据块
这样的情况通常发生在一个RAC架构里,某个表的索引键值出现典型的“右倾”现象,比如一个表的主键使用一个序列来生成键值,那么在这个主键在索引数据块上的键值就是以一种顺序递增的方式排列的,比如:1,2,3,4,5….,由于这些键值分布得非常接近,当许多用户在RAC的不同实例来向表中插入主键时,就会出现相同的索引数据块在不同实例的内存中被调用,形成一种数据块的争用,对于这种情况,使用反向索引可以缓解这种争用。 反向索引是将从前的索引键值按照反向的方式排列,在正常的主键B-Tree索引中,键值会按照大小的顺序排列,比如:1234,反向索引,键值就变成4321.


 反向索引使用场合之所以如此受限制,是因为它丢弃了B-Tree 索引的一个最重要的功能:Index range scan。
索引访问方式中,Index range scan这个方式最常见,但是反向索引却不能使用这个功能,因为反向索引已经把键值的排列顺序打乱,当按照键值顺序查找一个范围时,在反向索引中,由于键值被反向存储,这些值已经不是连续存放的了。 所以Index range scan 的方式在反向索引中没有任何意义。在反向索引中只能通过全表扫描或者全索引扫描的方式来实现。 这就是反向索引的一个非常严重的缺陷。

2.2.3 索引根数据块
热块也可能发生在索引的根数据块上。 在B-Tree索引里,当Oracle 访问一个索引键值时,首先访问索引的根,然后是索引的分支,最后才是索引的叶块。索引的键值就是存储在叶块上面。 如图:



2.2.4  段头数据块
在Oracle 9i 之前,数据块的空间使用情况需要手工来管理,在每个数据段的段头有一个或者几个Free list 列表,用于存放段中哪些数据块可以使用。

当数据块的数据达到数据块总容量的一个比例时(PCT_FREE 参数决定),数据块就会从Free list中删除,这个数据块就不能在插入数据。

当数据块的空间减少到一个比例时(PCT_USED参数决定),数据块就会被放到Free list列表中,这些数据库可以被用来插入数据。

在OLTP系统中,一些数据段的Free List可能会是一个访问很频繁的数据块,比如这个数据库上有些表有很多删除,插入的动作,很多会话需要不断访问这些数据块的Free List列表,以便获得需要的数据块信息。 此时这个数据块(称作段头数据块)就会变成一个热块,此时内存中就会出现如cacha buffer chain这样的Latch等待事件。

当出现这个问题时,一个常见的解决方法是增加Free List的数量,以便于分散会话访问数据块的密度。

从Oracle 9i开始,引入了一个自动段管理的技术ASSM(Automatic Segment Space Management: ASSM),它让Oracle 自动管理“Free List”。 实际上在ASSM里,已经没有Free List 这样的结构,Oracle 使用位图方式来标记数据块是否可用,这种数据块的空间管理方式比用一个列表来管理效率更高。



上述就是小编为大家分享的ORACLE 锁机制是怎样的了,如果刚好有类似的疑惑,不妨参照上述分析进行理解。如果想知道更多相关知识,欢迎关注创新互联行业资讯频道。

